Home Greenhouse Sports

Greenhouse Sports

Singer Capital Markets is delighted to be supporting Greenhouse Sports – a charity which uses sports coaching and mentoring to empower young people who are facing disadvantage to help them unlock their full potential.

Proudly funding a 6 year basketball programme at Bow Secondary School

Singer Capital Markets has committed to funding a 6-year basketball programme at Bow Secondary School, which is located just minutes from our office in Tower Hamlets. Greenhouse Sports partners with schools in high areas of deprivation, placing full-time coaches and mentors into the school environment to deliver programmes where  young people are most vulnerable to the likes of neglect, antisocial behaviour and crime. These programmes run before, during and after-school as well as during school holidays and on weekends.


In addition to the basketball programme, Singer Capital Markets are also supporting Greenhouse Sports with other fundraising events, activities and initiatives throughout the year.


Growing up in poverty puts a good childhood at risk, threatening secure relationships and a decent education. Greenhouse Sports make sure these young people get the best possible chance to do well in life and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties. Greenhouse participants attend an average of 5-8 more school days each year, achieve 30-40% higher GCSE Maths and English grades, develop essential life and employability skills and benefit from improved mental and physical wellbeing.

June 2024
A Visit from Greenhouse Sports
Following on from the success of our Partnership Day in 2023, Singer Capital Markets were delighted to bring the event back for our charity partners in 2024, but even bigger and better than before. This year's partnership day brought together 30 girls from our charity partners, IntoUniversity and Greenhouse Sports, for a once-in-a-lifetime experience at Chelsea FC's impressive training grounds in Cobham, Surrey.