March 2019 - Uncategorized
Extel Survey 2019: Voting now open 11 March – 12 April 2019

It’s that time of the year again, and the Extel Survey has now officially opened for voting!

The Extel Survey began in 1974 with 53 asset management firms giving their views on the advice they were getting from their research analysts at stockbroking houses. Today, Extel is the foremost independent evaluation of quality across the European equities investment industry, and receives over 1 million votes across the investment industry each year.

At Singer Capital Markets, we are very proud of the quality of our research and are firmly committed to original and independent thought. This has been one of the main drivers of our new “Sense & Sensitivities” research product, which is intended to stimulate informed discussion whilst getting to the heart of the pivotal issues affecting each company. Our overriding intention, in this post MiFID II world, is to provide relevant and thoughtful research that our institutional clients find increasingly useful to their own investment process.

As always, we appreciate all of the continuing support of our clients, and the votes awarded to us.

Below is a short summary of some of our key highlights over the last 12 months:

  • Strengthened the team with several new recruits, including Richard Hickinbotham (Head of Research), Edward Thomason (Life Sciences Analyst), Caspar Erskine (Technology Analyst) and Jens Ehrenberg (Financials Analyst)
  • EKF, one of our Best Ideas, was a terrific performer (+37% in 2018) as was Bioquell, taken over at a 40% premium (Healthcare & Life Sciences)
  • Our best read research over the past year includes detailed pieces on dotdigital, Future, Clinigen, Gateley and CVS Group
  • In Industrials, our two Best Ideas for 2018, Avingtrans and Fenner, were two of our best performers, up 64% and 11%
  • In Technology & Media, notable transactions included the takeover of Freeagent by RBS for £53 million, and placings for Future (£105.7 million) and SDL (£36.2 million)
  • In Healthcare & Life Sciences, 2019’s thought piece, ‘Digital Health: A Quantum Leap for Healthcare’, covered 9 quoted and 8 private companies
  • In Housebuilding & Construction, we published major initiation notes on Fulcrum Utility Services, Nexus Infrastructure and Polypipe
  • In Retail, Consumer Goods, Leisure & Gaming, we published major initiation notes on Ten Entertainment, Hollywood Bowl, Quiz and Ei Group
  • In General Financials and Investment Funds, we saw another 6 detailed initiations, following on from 8 in the previous year.


To vote, please click here where you will be redirected to the Extel portal. Voting is open from Monday 11th March until Friday 12th April 2019.


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