September 2017 - Uncategorized
Life Science Dinner at the Don

The Life Science team at Singer Capital Markets (analysts Jens Lindqvist and Sheena Berry, Brough Ransom in specialist sales and Aubrey Powell representing corporate finance) hosted a dinner last night for companies and investors in the drug development space.

The Dinner at the Don event is a recurring event for the Singer Capital Markets life science team, popular with companies and investors alike as an informal forum to network and discuss areas of common interest including funding.

Attendees included CEOs of Realm Therapeutics, Verona Pharma, Summit Therapeutics, ReNeuron, Domainex (private) and Modus Therapeutics (private) in addition to investors representing Polar Capital, Beagle Partners, Tatton Investment Management, Belsize Asset Management, MVM Life Science and Altaris Capital Partners.

All of the attending companies are at an exciting stage of development. Realm Therapeutics, a developer of topical therapies for a range of dermatology and ophthalmology disorders, set the tone for the evening by announcing a successful £19.3m capital raise shortly before the dinner.

Verona Pharma, a developer of the novel respiratory drug RPL554, recently raised approx. $90m in a successful NASDAQ IPO, and will be ringing the bell on 9th October.

Summit Therapeutics, a developer of novel drugs for DMD and C Diff infection, was recently awarded a large $62m grant from US government body BARDA and completed a $20.1m ADS offering on NASDAQ.

Stem cell therapy company ReNeuron is currently finalising an IND application to commence a Phase III trial for stroke disability in the US.

Domainex, a CRO providing a range of drug discovery services, is delivering strong profit growth propelled in particular by its offering in combinatorial domain hunting.

Finally, Modus Therapeutics, a developer of sevuparin, a novel drug in Phase II for the treatment of Sickle Cell Disease complications, raised SEK 32m earlier this year and is currently preparing a US IND application.

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