September 2017 - Uncategorized
Singer Capital Markets ranked number 1 adviser to AIM Consumer Goods Clients

Published quarterly, the AIM Advisers Rankings Guide ranks the top 20 auditors, financial advisers, financial PRs, law firms, registrars and stockbrokers by client numbers and their market cap.

In the stockbroker category, Singer Capital Markets is pleased to have moved up in the following sectors:

  • Total AIM Clients
  • FTSE AIM 100 Clients
  • FTSE AIM UK 50 Clients
  • Consumer Goods Clients
  • Health Care Clients

In Q3, Singer Capital Markets remains number 2 in the AIM Technology clients category, is now number 1 adviser for Consumer Goods Clients and number 3 for total AIM Clients.

We are delighted to see our efforts recognised by these rankings. Our expertise is tailored to fast growing companies and we would love to see how we can help you. To get in touch, call +44 (0)20 7496 3000 or email