January 2021 - Uncategorized
The Big Book 2021: Extended Coverage & Best Ideas

The Big Book 2021: Extended Coverage & Best Ideas

This week we launch “The Big Book 2021” – our extended coverage and best stock ideas for the year, including over 100 company notes.

We are delighted to be publishing the Big Book 2021 with over 100 company notes including our Sense & Sensitivities analysis, and our high conviction Best Ideas for 2021. In 2020 our Best ideas outperformed by 30%, so we hope for another year’s success in 2021. We have also overlaid coverage into five distinct themes chosen to reflect differing investment priorities with the results presented as a recommendation matrix that is thought provoking.

Stocks covered this year include:

Avingtrans, Curtis Banks Group, Essensys, Gateley (Holdings), Gresham Technologies, Hollywood Bowl Group, IG Design, Instem, Oncimmune Holdings, Redde Northgate, Superdry and The PRS REIT.

To receive The Big Book 2021, please contact Research Entitlement.